
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Our monthly demonstration.Petition 213

Today, August 14,  our 213 petition was presented to the Japanese Embassy in The Hague.


His Exellency Yoshihiko Noda
Prime Minister of Japan

The Hague, Ausgust 14,2012
Petition: 213
Subject: Paper Memorial to the fallen Dutch in Asia 1941-1945.


Today, the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts presents to the chairpersons of the Dutch Parliament, First and Second Chambers, a Paper Memorial of the fallen Dutch Asia 1941-1945. Queen Wilhelmina in her year-end speech in 1943 proclaimed that a monument would be erected for the fallen Dutch during World War Two. Name for Name they would be mentioned in an Honorary List. After the war many names were collected and transcripted in a parchment foliant. The daughter of Queen Wilhelmina, the then Queen Juliana, presented and handed over the Honorary List of Fallen in a special formal meeting with the Dutch Parliament (Staten General) for safe keeping. The Honorary List is kept in the hall of the Parliament and since then every day a page of the Honorary List is turned.
Sixty seven years after the ending of the World War, names are still being added to the Honorary List as a result of scientific research and availability of previously closed achives. Much work has been conducted to uncover the names of those Dutch fallen in Asia. All the known names have been collected and collated in the Paper Memorial presented to the Dutch Parliament.

With the Paper Memorial we pay respect to those who gave their lives to protect us. It is for those who survived a memory of how their loved ones tried to prevent the war affecting their respective families, for others a terrifying historical document.

Prime Minister,
The Paper Memorial is an emotional document, which brings back tearful memories, but also anger over the Japanese denial of their moral responsibility for the terrible cruelties by the Japanese military. We have said much about this subject in the past. We cannot and will not accept the diplomatic reply that with the 1951 peace treaty the matter of responsibility to the individual victims dead or alive has been dealt with. It would be for you as Prime Minister of Japan and for the people of Japan an honor to acknowledge moral responsibility to those who died and those, and their dependents who are still alive.

Prime Minister,
The Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts is proud to have been able to present in the Paper Memorial the more than 11,500 Names of those Dutch Nationals who fell in the Asian theatre of war to the chairpersons of the Dutch constitutional parliament (Staten General). We would have welcomed to present to you personally the Paper Memorial, but with this petition, we present a copy of the Paper Memorial over to your ambassador in The Hague too.

With honor and respect,
On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts,

J.F. van Wagtendonk

Below article was placed by Indisch4ever on Sept. 1, 2012 by Ted Hartman.

On the day before the National Remembrance day August 15,1945, a deputy of the board of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts, handed the petition to the Japanese Embassy.
The executives of the board of the Foundation of Japaneses Honorary Debts, were on that day and at that hour at the presentation of the Paper Remembering Monument to the chairman of the 1chamber , Fred de Graaf (VVD) and to Gerdie Verbeet of the 2 chamber (PvdA).

 J.F.Wagtendonk, our president of the the Foundation of Honorary Japanese Debts,  shows the Remembrance Monument papers.

We are anxious to see, what happens after the election of September 12, we hope we still can stay in contact, and hope that we can count on their support.

After the demonstration at the Japanese Embassy as usual, we gathered at the Bel Air Hotel for a light lunch.

Japan just held their Memorial day last week. They remembered the bombs fallen on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 
It was a terrible thing, and we hope that something like that will never happen again.
Innocent Japanese people were killed. 
The Bomb was intended for Nazi Germany, but they surrendered.
Surrender of Japan was out of the question. They would fight to the last man, women and children were trained, and a bloodbath seemed ineffable.
They would fight and die for the Emperor of Japan, because in the eyes of the Japanese he was like a living "God".
Truman gave the Japanese many warnings and one more last chance to an unconditional surrender of all Japanese military. That left the door open for Japan.
Susuki ignored the warning.

Paul Tibbet flew the plane " Enola Gay" named after his grandmother.

Hiroshima was an important military base. The military were training on the grounds of Hospitals and schools. Schoolgirls  and boys as young as eight years old were trained to kill, if the Americans would invade Japan. Only Japan and the Japanese people have any idea what this would have meant for Japan. The world had no idea, what a massacre it would have been if the bombs had not been dropped.Millions of people would have died, far more then the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.Two hundred thousands were killed, but far more were saved, because of the bombs.

One of the people who were on the plane, said" I am not thinking about the people which got killed. I am thinking about the millions of people who did not get killed.

A war is a terrible thing, there are no winners.
Lest not Forget!

I am glad this bomb was not in the hands of fanatic's who think they can conquer the world.
America was attacked, without warning by Japan.America was not warned. Thousands were killed when Pearl Harbor was attacked. I cannot thank America enough and Harry Truman, for this unbelievable responsibility they took upon themselves. Thank you , thank you!




The other day I read in a Dutch paper an article about the atrocities the Japanese military inflicted on human beings, and I know all about these atrocities which happened in these camps. My mother and me, her sister and two children were in Japanese prison camps for three and a half year,, on Java in Indonesia then called the Dutch East Indies We barely survived.My mother and her sister were raped by these so called soldiers and had to work everyday in the hot sun, with hardly any food to eat and hardly any water to drink. On top of that they had to take care of their children, who were always crying from hunger.My father a POW of the Japanese worked himself to death as a slave, working on the Burma rail road tracks. My uncle died on the 016 a submarine, fighting for our freedom.
A couple of comments on this article from people made me very angry. One comment was that it was time to forget about the past and move on with life. Why all these memorials and stir up these memories. Let it go."I think these people have nothing to remember, nothing has ever happened to them. I wonder if they have anything to celebrate, or maybe they don't.
It is very sad that some people think this way, but it is a lack of their education.We should never forget the people who gave their lives for our freedom.
George Santayana reminds us that the lessons of history are invaluable"Those who forget the past, are condemned to repeat it".
We demonstrate in front of the Japanese Embassy every second Tuesday of the month. Japan keeps denying the atrocities they inflicted on innocent women and children in these camps.I am afraid they will never admit that they were wrong.

War deplores the question: Why?
War emits her eerie cry,
"Oh! human nature in extremist,
E"er you sport your raging p*nis
Raping us until the grave
War is baying:
Victory!! Hail the winner! Fail the loser!
Pitiful; there are no winners, only sinners!

War bears childhood fantasies
Toy soldiers for young boys,
Computers now with games,
Destroy with a click of the mouse,
,I shoot you down in flames'
We should be ashamd
It's adults who are to blame.


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