
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Expo in hall library about The Dutch- Indies.

First of all I have no news yet about the meeting with the house of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament. The meeting was postponed until the 28th of June.
In the meantime their will be an Exhibit at the library in Roosendaal. "After 65 years,still the children who paid the piper'.
This is about the Dutch community from the former Dutch Indies,during and especially after world war II.
Bandoeng destroyed.

Street in Bandoeng

Waterway in Bandoeng

School bus with students in Bandoeng

The exhibit is an initiative of the foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts in deliberation with the Indies Platform and will be officially opened by the Mayor Jacques Niederer from Roosendaal, on June 17th.
The exhibit is a compound on the basis of two NIOD-accounts, the Dutch government instructed professor dr. Hans Meijer and dr. P.Keppy to put this together.

In these reports('trails of destruction' and 'Indies account') both scientists affirm
that after world war II the Dutch government has neglected and purposeful forgot about the interests from about three-hundred-thousand Dutch from the former Dutch-Indies.This enormous group of Dutch people feels that the Netherlands has neglected them for already 65 years.They are still waiting for acknowledgement and a justified settlement of wages and pensions, the socalled 'backpay'.
The compliers of these reports speak about a very harsh judgement, how this has been handled. Profressor dr. Meyer said that the situation during an interview some years ago was' shocking and dr. Keppy spoke of 'shameful.
The two NIOD-reports are,in spite of the promises of government and parliament,still not taken care off in the house of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament.This is one of the reasons why this exhibit was put together. Through this exhibit these two reports will give insight and understanding.

On June 28, we finally will be heard by the house of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament.

Elizabeth van Kampen, my best friend from Holland, said on facebook:
Dr. Keppy wrote a very good book about what every single one of us, Indonesian-Indo-Europeans and Dutch have lost. Especially our parents of course. So please order a copy.

I am sad to say, that there are also people who oppose our rights to that acknowledgement, and/or compensation for their own pet reasons, which are usually spawned by their enormous ignorance and hate.
I hope for these people that a day will come they change their mind.It is sad that they do not know the history, which was never been taught in school.So I do not blame them.I only feel sorry for them, that they are talking about something they do not know about.

As soon as I know, how the meeting with the house of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament went, I will write about it on my blog.

Amsterdam, 1947. Protest against sending military to Indonesia.

 On the signs it says: Stop the war, Save our boys, Peace with Indonesia, No fighting but friendship.
Protest against the Dutch government.

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