
Friday, January 21, 2011

Japanese POWs and German POWs.

In a very detailed and unbelievable documentation, the book " Prisoners of the Japanese"," the author Gavan Daws" writes about this.The death toll in these Japanese Prison Camps was unbelievable high. Percentage wise 4% German Prisoners of war, against 33% of Japanese Prisoners of war.
My mother and I were in Japanese Prison camp in Moentilan and Banjoebiroe 10.We were taken to Banjoebiroe on the first of August 1945. When we arrived in this camp it was so full, 5300 women and children were taken here, to be liquidated,and she told me once that in this camp around 15 women or children died per day. They all died from starvation, torture, exhaustion, etc.The Japanese had plans to either poison, starve or shoot us.They were told not to leave any traces.

We are fighting for justice. After all these years we are tired of hearing about the poor Jewish people, yes it was terrible. But what about the poor Dutch people from the Dutch Indies?....they had to look out for themselves.
When it was apparent that injustice was done to the Jewish people and they got compensation, the Netherlands came up with "A GESTURE" this was for the difficult Dutch people from the Dutch Indies, and for once and for all they would hopefully shut up..... However there are only a few left, so it would not cost the Netherlands a lot....!!!!

The Netherlands recovered quickly after the war, thanks to the Marshall Plan.The Netherlands keeps very quiet about this. Studies about this subject have been put aside.

But never was and is thought about the fact that this fast rebuilding of the Netherlands after the Second World War had anything to do with the offers the Dutch People in the Dutch Indies had given.We lost everything, our houses, our furniture, our bank accounts,not a single photograph.Always the Dutch who were occupied by the Germans were talking about how they had suffered. But they were still in their own houses, slept in their own beds, eat from their own plates with their own knife and fork.The families were most at the time still all together.All the Dutch who had losses due to the occupancy of the Germans received compensations.In the Dutch Indies not one single family was complete. Fathers were taken away and put in Prison camps, mothers with their children were put in concentration camps and their 10 years old boys were taken away from them. They were considered men and a danger to the Japanese. Can you imagine that your 10 year old boy is taken away from you, because he is considered a man?. They were used for the Japanese war Industry. That they died as rats through systematically starvation, tropical sicknesses, torture, was not important. There were lots of replacements available for the Japanese Industry. They used these prisoners of war for their production lines. The blanda's(White people) were educated and were a welcome force for their production lines, because their own potential workforce was not available. In many cases these POWs were put to work for Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Kawasaki and 15 other concerns and  zaibatsu is a Japanese term referring to industrial and financial business conglomerates in the Empire of Japan, whose influence and size allowed for control over significant parts of the Japanese economy from the Meiji period until the end of World War two. They had to work day and night.
Millions of people died in the war in South Asia, fought by the Japanese.They were starved, worked to death and killed. They estimate that 20 up to 35 million were killed. In this estimate were 150.000 people with the Dutch Nationality, military,civilians, women and children from the formal Dutch Indies in the East. From which between 1942 and 1945 20% lost their lives.The capitulation which was forced on Japan by the Americans with the A-bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima should not have come on a later date, because the liquidation plans to murder all prisoners of war were ready.The date was set for August 26,1945. This percentage would then have been 100%. One of the biggest mass murders were the death marches from camp Sandakan in Borneo.Twenty five hundred men were send into the jungle in groups of five hundred. Sick or not sick. The men who stayed behind because they could not walk anymore were killed with one single bullet. In July 1945 the camp was empty. Five men had tried to escape, and one prisoner the Australian Owen Campbell survived. Otherwise nobody would have ever heard of the Sandakan murders.See the story on the website of Sado.
Gavan Daws would not have been able to write the book "Prisoners of the Japanese" if the war had not been stopped by the A-Bombs.

Lots of this information I am writing about is from the svjappenkampen organization/. from Lilian Sluyter, she is doing an phenomenal job.Thanks to all the people who working so hard to get justice:
chairman: Paul Horsman. Secretary: L. Sluyter, Treasurer: Ir. J.H. Tulner, admin. Greta Mosselman,a few more names, Peter van Vliet, Bart van der Woerd and webmaster: Rene Scholte. I hope I did not forget anybody.Thanks, and thanks again for all the hard work.
I will keep following your site and I will keep writing about this forgotten war.

1 comment:

  1. US's Marshall Plan rebuilt countries and re-engined economies on the Europe continent.Far East didn't get that.I brought that up and discussed it @ one internet forum ~ a few younger generation Europeans disputed the significate impact of Marshall Plan and said it wasn't some " helping own European kins " multi-billions " financial assistance from America but with " hidden " strings attached.Korea War and Vietnam War inadvertantly re-started Japan's military capacity ~ that country supplied US Army with ammunitions and other basic military needs.Japan proffited alot from those 2 post WW II regional conflicts in Asia.
