
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Beheading of Japanese hostages Petition;243

                                    FOUNDATION OF JAPANESE HONORARY DEBTS
                                                                                   NGO. STATUS Roster

His Excellency Shinzo Abe
Prime Minister of Japan

The Hague, 10 February 2015
Petition: 243
Subject: Beheading of Japanese hostages by ISIS


We are horrified by the beheading of the Japanese hostages by the Islamic State tyrants. We offer our condolences to the Japanese families and friends of the murdered hostages. They must be in a terrible state of fear, pain and anger. The video pictures showing the barbaric executions must hurt them deeply. The pictures prove ISIS merciless killing, underscoring their demands and use of terror. Families and friends of the victims will be traumatized by it forever. They will need support now and in the future in coping with the traumas. Their lives will never be the same again. The gruesome pictures of the beheading will never go away.


Prime Minister,

In our sympathy with the Japanese families we feel the pain and sorrow. Many of the surviving Dutch from the Dutch East Indies had comparable experiences. Japan has a history of similar terror whilst occupying and colonizing South East Asia. During that period public beheading was part of their barbaric rule. The Japanese military had no mercy during their regime of terror and abuse. Only after Japan's capitulation in 1945 did the survivors learn about the fate of their loved ones. They cannot forget the shock that their father, grandfather or son was beheaded by the Japanese military. Today's pictures remind them of that cruelty. I know from personal experience how it feels. After 70 years I still feel the pain and sorrow.

I hope that my father and grandfather will rest in peace, which was taken away so cruelly.

Prime Minister,

According to CNN and NHK you said: " We are deeply saddened by this despicable and horrendous act of terrorism and we denounce it in the strongest terms. To the terrorist, we will never, never forgive them for this act.''
For the Dutch whose relatives were killed in the same barbaric way it is still very hard to forgive the Japanese. So you see your recently expressed sentiments match ours. The fact that the Japanese government still denies any responsibility for these criminal acts during World War Two, leaving the victims families behind without condolences and sympathy, makes it even harder to forgive, let alone to forget.

More than ever the future of Japan lies in acknowledging its past and accepting full responsibility for that past.

Prime Minister,

In any event we hope that you will take responsibility in taking care of the families of the beheaded hostages. You cannot claim that the victims had no business to be there nor can you ignore Japan's responsibility to take care of the families of the beheaded . Demonstrate for once, in securing Japan's future, that you care and take responsibility now and for the past.

On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.

J.F. van Wagtendonk



This petition was handed over on February 10, 2015, to the Japanese Embassy in The Hague at our monthly demonstration, which takes place every second Tuesday of the month.

When I was typing this petition 243 on my blog, tears were streaming down my face.Back were the days when I heard my mother's screams in the night, being raped over and over again by these monsters, during our captivity in Moentilan on the island of Java. Her dreadful nightmares, returning night after night, being beaten and beaten again, being so afraid that the children would starve, wondering again and again if they ever would make it out alive. Seeing her friends one by one die, seeing them being tortured in front of their eyes. Yes Prime Minister Abe your fathers and forefathers, were like ISIS. How can one be so two faced as this Prime Minister of Japan, who keeps denying all the atrocities inflicted by Japan's former military.How can this Prime Minister worship those war criminals laying in the Shrine who did exactly what ISIS is doing now. BEHEADING, RAPING, BURNING AND BURYING PEOPLE ALIVE.Playing soccer with the heads of the beheaded, Spearing the heads on bamboo sticks and than displaying them for all to see. Yes Shinzo Abe, your former military played games, who could behead the most men in 20 minutes with their swords.The swords your former military liked to use on every occasion.Your former military even beheaded women for trying to steal some veggies from your former military vegetables patch.The vegetable patches which the women had to take care off, day in and day out, in the burning tropical sun, until they passed out.My mother and her sister would never forget how hot the sun was beating on their heads and how these  monsters used the backs of their swords on them if they stopped for a minute to catch their breaths,.Vegetables, which looked so delicious and which they would have liked to feed to their children, who were starving to death.Yes Prime minister Shinzo Abe, it now hits close to home, and it hurts, it hurts unbelievable. I hope you can feel the anger and feel the pain, like our mothers, fathers,children, and grandfathers were feeling. The pain and the anger still felt by the victims who are still alive today.

How can this Prime Minister say what he said on CNN and NHK, when this Japan has not cleaned their own barbaric past.Indeed Sinzo Abe, we can never forgive and never forget what those Japanese monsters did during WW2. How sorry and saddened I feel for the families of these Japanese hostages and how I feel the anger towards ISIS. this is exactly how I feel towards you Prime minister Shinzo Abe,How can one forgive a nation like Japan that cannot come to terms with their past, and how can one forgive and forget a nation like Japan that changes their history books, which is full of lies anyway.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our monthly demonstration., 2015

Den Haag, January 13,2015


His Excellency Shinzo ABE

Prime Minister of Japan

The Hague, 13 January 2015.

Petition: 242

Subject: A new year to reconcile and redress.


The Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts and the supporters, wish you and the people of Japan a happy and prosperous New Year. A year in which your promised change towards a lasting peace based on Japan's economic revival may come through.With your renewed mandate you and your cabinet obtained the time and the support in shaping up a "new Japan"ready for its peaceful and democratic future. It also gives you the opportunity to make good the past in view of that future.

Prime Minister,

In the past year you invested heavily in international relationships with your neighbors and with The Netherlands during the Royal Dutch visit to Japan. During the many international visits you were reminded that Japan's military past is not forgotten. Regardless of your efforts and demonstrations of goodwill it became clear: a positive resolution of Japan's war history is essential in developing future relations.

Japan cannot but accept the facts and come forward with sustainable proposals acknowledging these facts. Japan must offer the surviving victims and their next of kin reconciliation and redress. The 15th Augustus 2015 commemorates the end of World War Two. After the war Japan was given the opportunity to resurrect and to reconcile, but failed to redress its wrongdoings during that war.

Prime Minister,

It is only eight months to the 70th Anniversary, a limited time in which to come to terms for a sustainable solution. You are now in a position to demonstrate that Japan wants to reconcile its past and invest in a peaceful future. Japan cannot continue to live with its unresolved past of coercing Comfort Women into military sexual slavery. Kempetai terrorism, unit 731 medical experiments, racial discrimination and large scale concentration camps with the purpose to annihilate its inmates. The victim countries and their NGO's will continue to remind Japan and the international community that reconciliation is long overdue and cannot wait any longer. On the 15th of August 2015 you can give Japan back its respect and establish a sustainable future.

Prime Minister,

The Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts has written 241 petitions to the Prime Minister of Japan, which were handed over to the Japanese Ambassador in The Hague personally. We never received from the Prime Minister of Japan an acknowledgement of receipt of any of the petitions, nor an encouragement to resolve in a dialogue a meaningful solution.As a Non-Governmental Organization we are respected and accepted by the United Nations and the Dutch Government. It would be a matter of politeness and respect if we receive from you an acknowledgement of receipt of our petitions and an encouragement to future dialogue.

On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.



This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two, which cost many people their lives.
The current Japanese government still refuses to own up to their mistakes and continue worship their World War Two officers as heroes.

It will be 70 years ago this year in August that the terrible A-bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The victims of the Japanese horror concentration camps are finally able to say how grateful they are that the A-bombs saved them from mass destruction. And not only the quarter million or so allied prisoners, but also the millions of Asian people in the various occupied regions who would have fallen victim to Japan's war atrocities if the USA had not been able to force Japan to capitulate. Total surrender was so offensive to the Japanese military tradition that they would rather die and let millions of others die with them. Gradually more and more secret documents, that were intercepted by the US Army Secret Service, are being declassified and their content opened to the public. Such as the emperor Hirohito's secret order ( August 1944 ) to eliminate all imprisoned enemy-persons, both Western and Asians as soon as the Allies invaded Japan or made warfare for Japan difficult. The Camp commanders were free to choose the liquidation method most appropriate for the situation. The original document offers a choice of poisons, poisonous, gasses, drowning, decapitate and mass bombardment. There was one condition "LET NO PRISONER ESCAPE AND DO NOT LEAVE ANY TRACES".

We were finally free, although it came at a terrible price. Japan's emperor Hirohito is to blame for the bombs . He was warned and offered his own people. Sadly a second bomb was necessary to be dropped to convince Japan to capitulate.

The war with Japan was finally over. We the women and children had no idea that we were freed from our tyrants. They the Japanese kept it from us, for another week. When the prison doors finally opened we were like zombies, not believing that we were free. It took another three and half month's to reach us and take us to a safe place.

Photographs were taken from the concentration camps in Europe. The holocaust of the Jews and the terrible mass murders, None were taken from the concentration on the other side of the globe. We were the forgotten ones. Our voices were silenced. It was said over and over:"It could not have been as bad as how we suffered in Europe".You people were in paradise compared to us. Our mothers and fathers kept silent, it was no use to talk about  the mass murders the rapes and how they were tortured. Get on with life and try to forget for the sake of our children. That was important to my mother and her sister.Lets try to erase what is in our children's mind.How important it was to them that we would not have trauma's about what we children had seen. Trauma's our mothers and fathers suffered the rest of their lives.So terrible sad, ones a war victim always a war victim. How can one forget the atrocities the Japanese military inflicted on them. The rest of their lives they were visited by these monsters in the night, and were over and over raped by these beasts, who called themselves soldiers.Soldiers who are suppose to protect us from evil and defend their country.Soldiers who are not been rewarded with innocent girls for pleasure., like Japan did rewarded their soldiers with young girls taken from our camps and forced into serving these monsters. Young girls taken from the concentration camps in front of their mothers eyes, girls who did not even know what sex was all about. Raped as ragged dolls by as many as 15 men, no monsters, a day How can one forgive these Japanese military monsters from the past??
Our mothers and fathers, our sisters and brothers were too traumatized to talk about what these monsters had done to them.

But we the children will not be silenced!!!
Mommy did I bow the right way?
We children were scared to death that we did not bow the right way. Our mothers would get a severe beating if we did not do it right. Bowing had to be done precisely. The Jap would beat my mother right in front of my eyes.

We will keep remind Japan about their past!!!

I will never forgive what the Japanese military has done to innocent women and children. I will never forgive that they raped my mother and her sister over and over again in that horrible filthy camp in Moentilan. And of all places in the church on the property of the camp, where they held us as prisoners, used us for slave labor, worked the poor women to death, starved them and tortured them for three and a half long years. I will never forgive the Japanese military for their past, beating my mother and my aunt in front of us children, because we children had not bowed properly.I will never forgive Japan for killing my father and millions of others, building that infamous railroad line through the jungle.I will never forgive Japan's former military for beheading so many innocent boys and men. How can one forgive Japan for the horrible atrocities their former Japanese military inflicted on innocent women,men and children. How can one forgive these horrible men who raped little boys no older then 10 years old.How can one forgive Japan, a Japan which to this day don't even admit their forefathers sins. Shinzo ABE you and your cabinet makes my blood boil. Why is it that your government cannot admit their wrongdoings, committed during World War Two. How can one forgive some one who lies about their past???
Here I am with the boys from the neighborhood.

What happened to these boys. My mother never found out. So sad to think about these young lives.It was always on my mother's mind. Where are they, did they survive the camps? What happened to their mothers, their father's.????
Those who forget their past, are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana is right. It really shows, history is repeating itself over and over again.