
Monday, July 16, 2012

Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.


His Excellency Yoshihiko Noda
Prime Minister of Japan

The Hague, July 10,2012
Subject: Japan shares in Dutch art history and pays for it.


Dutch museums with their priceless collections of paintings by Dutch masters are lending these to Japanese museums and media organizations on a regular basis. It generates interests in the Dutch ability to paint long lasting images of their lives and their people. For the museum it is a welcome extra income needed to maintain the paintings and to present the collections to the general public. The Japanese public has taken great interest in these exhibitions both at home and abroad. Names of Rembrandt, Vermeer and Van Gogh are well known in Japan.

We much appreciate the Japanese interest in our art history and are happy to share it. But what do the Japanese visitors to the exhibitions know about the Dutch East Indies, sometimes depicted in these paintings. Do they know the history of the Japanese occupation of Dutch Indies during World War Two? In particular are they aware of the Japanese military terror and violation of human rights during that occupation? Would that knowledge influence their appreciation for Dutch Masters? Would they question why after so many years after the ending of the War, the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts continues to insist that the present Japanese government acknowledges and accepts moral responsibility for that military conduct?

Prime Minister,

We believe that these exhibitions offer an excellent opportunity for both of us to provide the visitors with a bridge to our history, and to the true story of what happened and why despite all legal arguments there is a moral responsibility to redress. We are willing and able to prepare, jointly with our experts, an information pamphlet that reflects on Japan's history relative to the occupation of The Dutch Indies. It would give you the opportunity to express regret and it would give the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts the opportunity to express its ill feelings and its aim: to progress towards acknowledgement and acceptance of responsibilities.

The Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts and its members have a long tradition to seek a redress in the relationships with the Japanese people of today, but it is firm in their demands that such a redress must be acceptable in its historic context.

On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts,

J.F. van Wagtendonk

My father Klaas van der Wal was very good at drawing. One of his last drawing he did was of a photograph of me. He never was able to finish it. He died of  exhaustion and all kinds of diseases on that horrible Birma railroad track, as a POW of the Japanese.He was buried along side the railroad tracks in Kuiya. His friend barely survived and was able to bring some of his drawings back to my mother.

The drawing he was never able to finish.

The following is a drawing of the cemetery alongside the railroad tracks, where my father was buried. One of these crosses must have been my father's grave. His remains were transferred after the war to Kanchanaburi in Thailand. Rest in peace Dad.

                                            NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.

Japan except the blame, remove the shame.The drawings speak for themselves. When are you going to take responsibility., why are you in denial about the Japanese Army's atrocities during the Second World War?
It is a disgrace for Japan, it demonstrates that either Japanese officials do not know or do not want to know about the sufferings inflicted upon Netherlands nationals.
We will never forget, but we are able to forgive.

The drawing below was done of me in Japanese prison camp in Moentilan.I will never know who did this drawing. It is signed N.v.d.Nolen. I was only four years old, these eyes has seen a lot, and these eyes were not able to understand.

 A war brings nothing but eternal hate,
and a pain that never heals
wounds that never seal
A war brings sadness to my heart
a feeling that is so dark
It takes pieces from my soul
A war will never let go.
A war is pain
It is a loved one lost
A grave that never leaves
is a broken family,
A war is a fight
A child caught between the
crossfire of a battle called life
This is a war inside of me
A pain that will never leave
and a war is what it will always be.
A war is tears ran dry, a question asking always, why?
a loneliness a need for people that are never there
A war like any other war, brings pain.

This is a  Poem,
Written by: Richard Ferdin.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Slavery, Crimes, Slave Labor, committed by Japan

Inhuman Slavery Crime, POW. Slave Laborers,

Today I had to write again on my blog about the history of Japan. I cannot understand why Japan got away with all the atrocities they inflicted on men, women and children. They still will not acknowledge their brutal past.In May I was in a demonstration in front of the Japanese Embassy in The Hague. Japan cannot face the truth, they hide behind closed curtains as you could read on my former blog I wrote.
 In the back ground the Japanese Embassy, with the curtains closed. May 2012.

POW. Slave Laborers- Inhuman Slavery Crime.

This large scale of Slavery is definitely the worst war crime case of massive slavery violation against Humanity committed by a country in our Human History.

Japan has surpassed Nazi Germany in both the number and brutalities of using human beings in both "Before and During the war".

"The Japanese were running no less than the biggest Slave shipping operation since the middle passage, the African Slave Trade,"California based lawyer Barry Fisher said.

Millions of so-called "Romusha" Asians worked as Slaves, forced by the Japanese across Asia Pacific. It is estimated more than 15 Million Asian and POW's were used as Slaves and only a  fraction of the survivors may still be alive.

Although Japan had destroyed most of it's war documents to conceal it's crimes, what can almost be certain is that, Japan had surpassed Nazi Germany in both the Number and Brutalities of using the Slaves in both Before and During the war.

Most shocking is that the death rate in Nazi-run POW camps was 1.1%; but in Japanese prisoner camps it was a staggering 35.7% according to The Center for Civilian Internee

On August 6, 1945, Paul Tibbets flew the "Enola Gay, the B-29 Bomber" and dropped the atomic uranium bomb "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, August 9 another atomic plutonium-239 bomb "Fat Man" exploded on Nagasaki.
August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered.

If the bombs had not been dropped and Japan would have been invaded, it would have been terrible. The Japanese people know more about that than the American public and the World will ever know.

Paul Tibbets, who flew the Enola Gay, the B-29 bomber has been credited by thousands of former POW, soldiers and civilians including Japanese, in all Asian countries for saving their lives. 
The Atomic Bombs also prevented the utter destruction of the Japanese mainland, and the deaths of millions Japanese civilians who would have fought to their deaths.

My mother and I, her sister and two children were in a POW camp in Java, Moentilan. We were transferred to Banjoebiroe 10, with thousands of other women and children to be liquidated.

The Japanese were going to slaughter us all. The date was set for August 26, 1945.

"Thank God", for the A-Bombs. The Bombs saved our lives and all those innocent women and children held in POW camps all over Java and Sumatra and no doubt elsewhere.

"I am ever so grateful", 
Paul Tibbets you did the right thing.

Japan driven by the frenzy of Militarism, committed unspeakable war crimes and atrocities of such great magnitude and diversities never matched, even by the Nazi.

Many years have since past,
But memories forever last.
Women children in prison camps
Where nobody was able to give them a hand.
Put there by the Japanese Regime
With soldiers who were so terrible mean.

Although it is so long ago
My mind goes back to 1944.
How the women shed their tears
In that hell for three and a halve years.

These Japanese were brutal and vicious
Cruel and heartless and twisted.
Endless roll calls, just for fun
Everyday in the burning hot sun.

They screamed "Kiotskay,Kiray, Nowray" and waved their whips,
And the women knew better than to give them a lip.
They kept their wits together
Because their children was all that matter.

When they  think about those years,
They come back with so much fear!
Swamped by misery, grief and pain
They hoped God would hear his name.

They sang of his glory and begged to be heard,
They prayed, they pleaded, but never a word.
They reached for the last straw in despair,
And hoped somebody out there would care.

Why, oh why was it no help came
Did you not hear them calling your name?
Why was it you let innocent children die?
They will never forget you passed by.

There was thunder and lighting all around,
They were sure you would strike these Japs to the ground.
They were in so much agony, grief and pain,
They hoped for mercy, but it never came.

There in that horrible prison camp
"YOU" never offered a helping hand.
Most of us women lost their fate,
For thousands freedom came too late!

written by; Tetske Thea van der Wal.
 "Kiotskay" -attention "Kiray"- Bow and "Nowray"- stand-up.
The "Nowray"-stand-up,  usually came after hours standing in the "Kiray"- bow position. It was hard to stand up strait, your back would hurt so much.

in memory of my mother Sietske who survived the horrors of Japanese prison camp and protected me from all the atrocities the Japanese inflicted on women and children, during world war 2.

One would never know the price they paid and how they suffered. They never gave in, although they often lost hope. They survived in a frantic effort to stay alive, to be there for their children. Their courage against diversity we must honor and believe.With their gentle strength they took care of their children. Love has no equal.They gave of themselves desperate to survive, a will so strong to keep their children alive.

Memories can never be erased. Remembering the heartache, the pain and the tears, we hope MAN will never sink to such sorrow and shame again.
With one breath at a time, the mothers left their stamp on history with bravery so sublime, it will shine in history forever.Their Victory should always be told,their lives so hard and bleak as prisoners of the Japanese do not require the written word: their actions for them speak.

Love you Mom.